Moon trine Uranus ,23rd of March 2013


Should I or shouldn’t I, that is the question today. But what is the answer? Well, the universe will provide the cues for you today, if your willing to look. It’s all about intuition. So ,if your taking a chance to break boundaries, ask someone on a date or push that little bit further, then the universe is presenting it to you on a platter.

Image courtesy of Marin/

Uranus in Aries ,20th March 2013


Oh no! How did that happen? Have you been caught by surprise yet? Have you realised that everything you’re parents have told you is wrong?
What do mean, how can you say that? Hey, I’m just the messenger. Uranus the planet of change has channelled that Arian spirit on a higher collective level. Values,concepts ,technology and cost are changing. You can’t stop it, can’t divert it. The only thing you can do is get on your spiritual surfboard and ride the waves of change.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /